Wednesday, October 24, 2007

2 Year Old Donates $2300 to Obama, as do 2 Other Siblings!

2 Year Old Donates $2300 to Obama, as do 2 Other Siblings!

Well, gosh, as long as he didn't doodle a picture of a gun, right leftards? This corruption makes me sick...

frack, I forgot to mention I have two dogs, a cat, two goldfish, and one snail. The second snail died a few days ago, but that's ok, I'm sure it's ok for it to vote anyway- it happens all the time! Of course I don't make enough for each of them to donate the maximum amount of money, nor would they likely want the money I "gave" them that they "earned" by being cute to go to Huckabee or Tancredo anyway since we all know snails are bottom feeding democrats and dogs lick their @$$es- then again, they'll do anything I say for a treat. The cat? If you do something tick her off, she'll claw you, so she must be a republican.